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Monthly review November 2021

The month of November was 0.9 degrees too warm compared to the reference period 1961-
1990 at the weather station Dresden-Klotzsche. With a monthly mean of 5.4 °C, it was one of
the warm November months since 1961. It occupies the 21st place in the ranking since 1961.
50 hours of sunshine were registered, a minus of 18 hours compared to the official reference
period 1961-1990. We thus experienced a sunshine-poor November month in our region.
The sum of all individual measurements of precipitation reached 54.3 mm (a plus of 9 mm)
in November at our measuring station in Coswig. Thus, the monthly total corresponded to
120% of the normal value for this month. Thus, in terms of the total amount of precipitation
fallen, we now registered a somewhat too wet November after the two much too dry
previous months. The total deficit of the autumn was nevertheless very clear at -48 mm.

Weather characteristics:
At the beginning of November, a long-wave trough over Central Europe determined the
weather pattern in Germany. In connection with this, the classic Vb low PETER (Fig.1) moved
northward from northern Italy over the Czech Republic and western Poland from November
3 to 5, bringing the longed-for continuous rain to our region. The value of this event became
especially apparent at the end of the month, because until the turn of the month, although
frequent, only insignificant rain or drizzle occurred throughout. After this episode,
November was often cloudy or foggy under the predominant influence of high pressure.
A onset of winter - as announced by some media - did not yet occur this month.


Fig. 1: On 4 and 5 November 2021, the northeasterly moving Vb low pressure system "Peter" brought the longed-for and partly heavy rainfall to eastern Germany (source: Berlin weather map).

Autor: Wilfried Küchler

Website-Entwicklerin: Taslima Sayed

                                           INTERKULTURELLER GARTEN COSWIG e.V.                                                         

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